Wednesday, March 14, 2007


new sites

http://groups.yahoo.com/group/annaparrish082347/ http://annaparrish.livejournal.com/ http://www.freewebs.com/anna082347parrish/ http://anna082347.blogspot.com/ http://anna082347.bravehost.com/ http://www.geocities.com/anna082347/penmanship.html http://annaparrish.50megs.com

Tuesday, October 31, 2006



I am so depressed today. I wish there was a magic pill I could take. Hum, maybe not. I'd get LSD or some-such, and then I'd exchange one problem for another.

Monday, September 11, 2006


Act of Betrayal - 09/11/06

Am dying to see Act out on the market again. All Romance had it on Amazon, but the woman died, and they closed the place. It is still there, but when Amazon sells out, well, you get the picture. Funny, I warned my sister all the time, don't jump after the carrots Satan waves in front of you, and what do I do? He waved and I jumped. I want to be published so much that I forgot my own words!


Kera 09/11/06

Re-edited "Kera." Hope he likes it! He didn't ask me to, but I learned some tricks from Chippewa, and used them in re-doing this book. (See Jana and Catherine: You were a big help to me.) Secrets, terrors, from her past are effecting her future, her marriage. Can she shed these in time to save that marriage, her life with the man who loves her more than life itself? http://bookshop.stonegarden.net/



It's out now! http://www.chippewapublishing.com/ 09/02/06: Recvd. pdf file of Embrace. One small change I didn't like, but Catherine explained why she made it. Made logical sense to me. I know you'll never read this, but thanks, Catherine.


08/26/06-edit ebrace

08/26/06 The edits on Embrace are daunting to me. My mind closes up. I do four pages, and then have to leave it. And why can't I post any more pictures? Part of it pops up and freezes. HELP!


08/25/06-edited Sins

This is the final cover. http://www.chippewapublishing.com/ 08/25/06: Radically altered Sins. Tried to make it George's pov. Hope they like it.

Monday, August 21, 2006


Dear Diary

Greetings from Chicago! These are personal notes, so maybe you shouldn't read them!

I cry

For time misplaced.

Like falling rain, I ran away,

And wept.


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